Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Saturday Fun Challenge- 20 Questions Part 3

From Randy Seaver's GeneaMusings: 
Here is your assignment if you choose to play along (cue the Mission Impossible music, please!):

1)  Ellen Thompson-Jennings posted 20 questions on her Hound on the Hunt blog two weeks ago - see Even More Questions About Your Ancestors and Maybe A Few About You (posted 27 June).

2)  We will do these five at a time - Questions 11 to 15 tonight (we did 1 through 5 two weeks ago and questions 6 through 10 last week)

3)  Tell us about it in your own blog post, in a comment on this post, or in a Facebook post.

11)  If money wasn’t an issue; where would you go to do genealogy research?

I’d probably travel all over the country and do research. I have ancestors in various counties of Iowa that I would like to go there and research. Others in Minnesota.

Additionally, some collateral relatives lived in various places across the north of the country from Wisconsin to Washington state. I could have fun chasing all of these down in the places they lived if money and also time weren’t an issue.

One place I have no real desire to go is Europe. Although I’d like to see where my ancestors lived in England, Ireland, France, Netherlands, etc. and would love to do research in person in these places. However, I can’t see myself taking a flight there. It is just too far for me to be cooped up in an airplane.

12)  Do you ever feel like you’re the only person researching your family?

Well, there must be others because I see them appearing in trees and pictures and such coming up on Ancestry hints. However, I never seem to be able to make contact with anybody actively searching lines.

13)  Why do you think you’re interested in your family history and other family members might not be?

I have a deep interest in history, which probably started me out on this obsession. Being the youngest child by a number of years, I never felt I quite fit into the family. I’m way younger than my brothers, barely older than some of my nieces and nephews. Add in the fact that I married late and never had children myself. Sub-consciously, I’m looking for a connection.

14)  Do you intend to write about your genealogy/family history findings?

I try to keep writing about them. There are several sketches about various groups that are half-way complete. I have also been writing down the stories of my family. Stories told by my parents, or that happened in my time. Again, I have trouble with actually finishing one before jumping to the next.

15) Did you ever make a genealogy mistake that caused you to have to prune your family tree?

I’ve done some minor pruning here and there. However, never a complete line of people, only a few here and there. Mostly the mistakes have been brick walls that I didn’t get too far on before I discovered there was a mistake.

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