Monday, December 12, 2016

Saturday Challenge- Dear Santa

Randy Seaver's Genea-Musings Saturday Fun Challenge this week:

1) Write your Genea-Santa letter. Have you been a good genealogy girl or boy? What genealogy-oriented items are on your Christmas wish list? They could be family history items, technology items, or things that you want to pursue in your ancestral quest.

Dear Genea-Santa:

I’ve been a good girl this year. Well, at least I’ve tried to be good. I haven’t always succeeded, but when I fail, I’ve tried again. I think that counts, right?

I’ve tried to keep my genealogy research organized. Although a lot of it is still a mess, I’ve gotten it in better order and can find more things than I could last year.  I’ve even got a number of things scanned so that I can find them easily and all my scans backed-up in various places.

I attended the IGHR in Samford and completed my course on Legal and Government Records. I’ve also put this knowledge to use in doing some research and intend to do more next year. I also attended the New York State History Conference and went to various sessions to learn about new things. While attending these I saw and talked with many different people

I also did some on-site research and expanded my knowledge of Dennis Wooster’s family. We don’t know if my great-great grandfather, Barclay, ever visited his brother after he moved to Indiana, but I have gone to several of the places he was in that area.

Okay, so I didn’t do so well with the Professional Management Conference. That wasn’t my fault, really! I did attend one of the three days of the conference and networked with a few people before I got sick.  After I returned home I also purchased some of the sessions that I missed and listened to them. So, overall I don’t think I did so badly with that conference. And, Santa, later I found out it wasn’t because I didn’t drink enough water, but rather that I was allergic to a new medication. So, really you can’t blame me for being dehydrated and missing out on 2/3 of the conference.

So, since I did good with my genealogy overall this past year, won’t you send me a few Genea-presents this year? I won’t ask for much. I’m not going to ask for the restoration of the 1890 census, although that would be cool if you could tuck it in my stocking somehow! How about a DNA test kit, registration for New England Regional Conference and maybe a few little research trips? A day or two in Albany or even the Connecticut State library would be great, but whatever trips you can find tucked away on your sleigh will be made good use of here. Please Santa. I promise I’ll try to be good again next year!

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