For those people, I have very exciting news! There is a new website, still in beta, but it is out there-- of Church of Ireland Records! It lists what is available and where. This list is published by the Church archives. For those that aren't familiar with the term "Church of Ireland", this is the Anglican church. In the United States the Anglican church is commonly known as the Episcopal church. There are a few differences between them, but in general it is a good equivalent for understanding. Here is a sample from it.
In this the green highlight for Whitechurch in County Cork has baptisms for 1824-1874, marriages 1807-1845, and burials for 1821-1873. The green indicates that records were lost in the fire of 1922, but that these are reconstructed records that are available. The yellow is for lost records and the non-highlight is records that are still available at the local churches. There is more information about finding these records in the text of the information.
A quick scan tells me that there are no records left pre-1922 at Whitechurch for my family, but there are other churches nearby that have possibilities for various members of the family. This is a wonderful start and I am crossing my fingers that more and more records like this become available for us to research at a distance!
For those that missed it above, the link to all this is available by clicking on the phrase "new website still in beta" or at:
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